Top Ranked constitutional amendments by jsmorse (View Consensus)
1. first
the most fundamental- without it, congress would want to run rampant all over our speech, religion, and right to assemble. oh wait, they already do that
2. tenth
the most underestimated. it says that whatever isn't in the constitution, congress has no power to do. the tenth amendment will be vital in the coming fight for liberty
3. thirteenth
abolishes slavery- duh!
4. fourth
no gastapo here
5. twenty-first
repeals prohibition. we need more repealing amendments!
6. second
a revolution against tyrants would be pretty weak without it
7. seventh
trial by jury
8. ninth
unenumerated rights of the people
9. third
probably a good idea to prohibit forced quartering of soldiers
10. sixth
speedy trial
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